Thursday, February 3, 2011

Is there anything better...

One of my sweetest childhood memories is baking with my mum. The old classic jamdrops and decorated gingerbread men stir up fond memories from many moons ago!

Now I have my own precious little ones I just love creating new memories with them in my humble kitchen. Is there anything better than seeing a childs eyes light up at the prospect of being able to lick the beaters or the spoon filled with sweet sweet butter icing! MmmmmMmmmm :D

Our delicious creation yesterday was a Lemon Yoghurt Cake with Cream Cheese Icing and the obligatory "pretties" sprinkled on top. It tasted even better than it looked!

Enjoy creating memories with your littlins and worry about the mess later!!

1 comment:

  1. We love it too. Hope our kids develop good memories of baking (and maybe some sweet cooking skills too)!
