Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Growing up

My little boy is growing up! Today I realised that I no longer have a baby - my little boy is now walking 100% of the time and I guess this means he is officially a toddler. I'm still amazed as I stand on the deck and watch him toddle down the garden path, stopping along the way to pick up a rock, splash in puddle of water, touch the leaves of the lavender bush and attempt to nibble on a cosmos flower (Mummy intervention was required with this one). I'm torn every step of the way between allowing him his freedom and independence (which means that he will fall and bump his head many times along the way) and bundling him up in my arms to prevent him from hurting himself. I guess life is really about finding a good balance... between chocolates and vegetables, between chores and playtime, between being there for him when he falls and allowing him to discover how to balance on his own little legs! Never fear my little man, Mummy is never too far away!