Tuesday, March 9, 2010


It seems this year has turned out differently than I first thought - I just can't seem to settle into a routine! Alex and I have 2 mornings a week of planned activities - Montessori one morning and swimming lessons on another - I even had trouble making it to both these every week! We've been toilet-training which takes more time than you would think - I'm happy to say though that my not-even 2 year old seems to be almost there at the moment though, I'm so proud of him.

I'm hoping that, after Alex's birthday, Easter and a trip away, things will settle down for a few months and we'll be able to get ourselves sorted and I will be able to put into action all my plans for this year. The resolutions are going...okay, not great...but who sticks to these things really and besides I have all year to achieve them right???

1. Walking - what's that, walking? Does walking around the grocery store count - my poor puppy seems to be getting less walks than he did last year at the moment - its either been too hot, too wet, too windy or I've just been too darned tired!! I have however made enquiries into starting doing a Pilate's class once week from the beginning of April. Its something I've always wanted to try so this is year I'm going to give it a go! ...And I will go for a walk this week....

2. Craft - another whoopsy - my sewing machine is hiding in the cupboard and refuses to come out until I do something useful with it. Like so many people, I wish I had an area where I could leave it set up all the time...just the thought of having to drag it out to the kitchen table and set everything up and then put it all away again when I'm finished for the day is sooooo daunting...and a great excuse!! Lets hope the extension we are planning sometime this year happens and I'll have a little "me" space! Too be quite honest though, at the moment, the thought of a few hours sleep is more appeal ling than dragging out the craft stuff.

3. I have had some success on the scrapbook - I have almost finished Alex's 0-6 months scrapbook! YAY!!!

4. Haven't been to the library yet and yes we have bought more books...:(

5. I've been very good on the shopping front though (apart from books) and generally throw away junk mail before I read it - I still must get one of those signs for the letterbox though - its such a waste of paper!

6. The garden is looking fantastic at the moment - Autumn is such a lovely time, everything is beautiful and green and lush (thanks to some good rain lately too) and the harvest is on in the vegie garden! We've had good crops of corn, tomatoes, capsicum's and potatoes this year. I made some delicious tomato sauce out of my vegetables and herbs and managed to save some in little sandwich bags in the freezer for a quick pasta meal! I really was very impressed with it - I just wished I'd written down the recipe as I went along - I can't remember exactly what I put in nor how much! Shame! Its also a shame that much of the lush growth of today will be destroyed by frost in a couple of months and we will be weathering the dark bare bones of winter again! Alex and I planted daffodil bulbs on the weekend though so we have something to look forward to in spring!