Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week One = success

A quick one tonight as I am sooooo sleepy! Its been a busy week here and VERY hot - 38 degrees 4 days in row. The garden is suffering and so am I.

The NYR's (New Years Resolutions) are coming along well.

1. Been for my 3 walks each week.

2. Organised my sewing stuff and decided which project I want to complete first - an update on this one next week.

3. Completed 2 more pages in Alex's scrapbook - these ones were photos of his first trip to the beach! It seems so long ago, he was a tiny little baby then - it was in July 2008 so Alex was only 3 months old :)

4. Haven't made it to the library yet - plan to do this tomorrow morning. Have also bought more books as Borders had a big sale on and I couldn't resist - so I guess I fail on this one so far!

5. Have been very restrained with the shopping, apart from the books, having to pay 2 big utility bills this month hasn't helped with the savings though :( Also cleared out another 3 baggs of stuff to give to charity and dropped them off yesteday - I got rid of my old Dr Martin boots - it was hard, but I haven't worn them in about 5 years and they were 15 years old!!!

6. Have been out in the garden every day watering and pruning and weeding. The corn is doing superbly and we are harvesting tomatoes, onions and zuchinis daily. We should also have plenty of pototoes hiding underground as the plants have flowered really well this season. Hopefully they have had enough water.

7. Here is my blog :D


Alex and the corn!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Helloooo 2010

Well its that time of the year again when we all tend to assess our lives and goals and plans for the coming year. My family and I went out for a walk around the lake on New Years Day morning - there were LOTS of other people walking, jogging and cycling their way around that lake and I'm guessing that many of their NY's resolutions involved fitness! I too have a few goals for the year ahead that will hopefully become habitual if I force them for the next few months. So here is my list so its out there and I have record of it!

1. Go for a walk 3 times a week (this one is not just for me either, I have an aging, chubby husky that needs to lose some weight and the only way he exerts energy is by being dragged out walking!)

2. Get back into sewing and finish the projects I've started (I have a load of material and patterns etc for things I want to make and a couple of projects already started - these I WILL finish!)

3. Get Alex's scrapbook up-to-date. I'm only up to about 6 months old at the moment and he will be 2 at the end of March! I have lots of photos printed out and lots of papers and embellishments. Just have to find the time to sit down and create!

4. The obvious boring one - spend less, save more, declutter and stop buying more things to clutter up the house! I'm going to get a "no junk mail" sticker for my letter box so I won't be tempted to look through catalogues and see things that I don't really need but that some marketing guru thinks I have to buy to keep the economy going! Rant, rant, rant!

5. Join my local library and borrow books rather than buying them all the time! I also think Alex is at an age where he would enjoy the story time which they run at the library so I want to incorporate this into our weekly activities.

6. I don't think this needs too much encouragement but I do want to spend lots of time out in the garden and in particular, more time on my veggie garden to try and make it more productive and to teach Alex more about plants and veggies and herbs and insects and soil and all that fantastic stuff.

7. Blog more! Not every day - I just can't do that - I'm aiming for once a week! To keep myself, and you, up to date on whether I am achieving or not!! :)

HAPPY 2010!!